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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-06 16:24:41 » #2256285

Here was where we first see how sensitive Chifusa's breasts were. They were planting the seeds for what was to come. As her breasts grew bigger they only became more and more sensitive, challenging the preconceived notion that only small breasts are sensitive (which is actually more of a stereotype). Her high sensitivity signaled by gentle, yet audible moans and bodily twitching after barely being rubbed or touched. Again, something that increases greatly over the time of her growth. This girl is truly something.
If you have a GIF request for Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Kagaku na Yatsura leave me a comment or send me a PM with the details. Thanks for watching...and reading, I guess--Lol! I hope you all enjoy the GIFs, guys!!

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