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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-10 09:17:46 » #2257492

Needs a translation request tag.

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castorman commented at 2018-07-16 07:59:44 » #2259702

Kore tte watashi ni hazukashī koto iwa sete baka ni suru tsumori yo ne
Honto saiaku...
That thing can make me say embarrassing things I'm going to be stupid
Really the worst...

今回懲罰といっても苦痛系ではなく快楽 . 羞恥系になります
その際 自身の状態を実況しなければなりません
Batsu no naiyō ga kimatta yōdesunode setsumei shimasu
Konkai chōbatsu to itte mo kutsū-keide wanaku kairaku. Shūchi-kei ni narimasu
Sono sai jishin no jōtai o jikkyō shinakereba narimasen
Moshi kore o kyohi shi tari dekinakattari shita baai
Hontō no imi no gōmon ga sugu ni jikkō sa remasunode
Sō naranai yō ni watashi mo hisshi ni hansei shimasu
It seems that the content of punishment has been decided so I will explain
This time punishment is not the painful kind but about pleasure. It will be the shameful kind
On this occasion my current status/condition must be live
If I refuse this or in case it can't be done
Torture of the true meaning will be executed immediately
Thus, so that I also can't help but desperately repent

(not sure at all for the last sentence.
Crap translation, feel free to improve)

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