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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-08 17:38:00 » #2256934

GIF dump incoming!
Quick Note: Guys, I really appreciate it when you leave comments and give compliments on the GIFs I post. It makes me feel like we're an actual community and that's always nice. But to the people who don't respect each other's opinion or just have some destructive criticism please, learn to use civility. It's really upsetting when I see comments along the lines of: "You're GIFs are fucking trash and don't load. Make Webms! You fucking idiot."
All those type of comments do is make me question your intelligence and ignore you. If you have a complaint or a suggestion. Use civility and manners; don't act like a spoiled brat.
If you have a GIF request for Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, or Kagaku na Yatsura leave a comment or send me a PM with the details. Thank You so much for all the compliments and words of encouragement. You guys are awesome. Enjoy the GIFs!!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-08 18:40:23 » #2256959

Appreciate you showing some love to this series, man. Can't wait until you get to the specials, personally (the one with Kagefusa + Ouka is something else).

2 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-09 10:26:12 » #2257171

Thank you, Anon!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-09 17:14:14 » #2257293

Well here's a nice post from a guy not trying to be a fucking idiot.

WEBMs are better than GIFs because:

1. they can have audio
2. they can be paused at will
3. they are not limited to 256 colors
4. they load faster since they're streamable, GIFs need to be loaded fully before they can be played
5. they make a LOT more sense at 1080p than GIFs

So consider it.

1 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-07-10 01:30:42 » #2257398

I won't lie, Anon. You do make a valid point and thank you for not being a whining infant. And I will definitely consider it.
If you know any webm programs that produce audio then let me know. God knows I can't find one. Not much I can do about Apple users, though. They may have to download a third party player to view them. At least with GIFs you can view them on any device's OS. But a lot of people are insistent that I make WebMs.

0 Points Flag