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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-19 21:28:39 » #2261111

Need the source ASAP please

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-20 01:11:00 » #2261170

ok, i get censoring the genitals, but why are you censoring half of the guys face? he is obviously an actor in the video as much as the girls are.

also there is one section where you censor a bunch of stuff on the ground? wtf? if it's a bunch of nudie mags or something and you cant show certain things its one thing but if that were the case and you needed to censor them anyway, why even bother including them in the shot? what is the point of decorating the room with something you cant show anyway?

8 Points Flag
blarghtor commented at 2018-07-20 07:21:48 » #2261297

Was there any actual bondage in that?

8 Points Flag