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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-22 08:02:41 » #2283402

Tooru cant get tanned.
Sunrays pass right through her.

If eraserhead erased her quirk, she would be most likely very pale albino.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-12 19:50:13 » #2302053

Not that this is a great place to discuss the technicalities of Tohru's quirk, but; if sunlight passed through her without interacting at all, then she wouldn't be able to see, either. That kind of totally invisible biology would mean the contents of her stomach would probably be visible too, till they're digested. I think it's reasonable to assume her quirk isn't just "really really transparent", but instead acts like some kind of 4th dimensional mirror, or something. Side note- I'm curious what her hair is like...

(Also; 8/10 Mina fanservice. Love her perfect smile; she always looks like she's having a blast.)

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-26 14:00:54 » #2399473

Her skin can probably "see" what's behind her and projects it. I assume that's what 4th dimensional mirror means.

In that case, would her skin be constantly absorbing light, and then producing it, or just reflecting what the skin on the opposite side says to reflect?

If she stood between you and the sun, would she produce her own UV light? Would she produce heat, or would it be cool under her? Is she visible to Infrared cameras or other thigns that can detect parts of the light spectrum not visible to the normal human eye?


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