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United_Autists commented at 2020-12-17 07:56:13 » #2581666

Now that we've got a lot of autists congregated here I got a research question. I'm looking for information on the "constipated strangler," an allegedly real life serial killer who stalked Yokohama prefecture in the 1960s, offing pretty salary girls who complained of chronic constipation. He would put out ads in area newspapers claiming to be a doctor who had developed a highly effective treatment for chronic constipation in young maidens (i.e. virgins). From the list of the young women who responded he would select the prettiest girls as his victims, who he would then call and offer to drive to his clinic (a non descript dual use office/apartment). Once there if the victim proved suspicious he would forcefully chloroform them, otherwise the lethal ritual consisted of them self-administering a slight enema in situ which would quickly knock them out, after which he would finish the job by strangling them. I read about it in an old pamphlet written in awkward English I came across in a used bookstore while visiting Tokyo five years ago but have been unable to find any further information since.

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