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Suzuki9212 commented at 2018-08-17 01:31:39 » #2270908

yay!! he finally did one of zombina!!

4 Points Flag
Suzuki9212 commented at 2018-08-17 01:32:18 » #2270910

and the zombina one is for the same month as my birthday!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-08-31 15:33:36 » #2275956

I hope those stitches hold.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-05 05:25:33 » #2418601

The sad thing about Zombina hentai is, she literally can't have sex. Medically speaking, she's physically incapable of the act. Her body just doesn't...function...sexually speaking. I'm not talking about reproduction, I mean she just cannot have sexual intercourse due to both her undead condition and her extensive bodily damages preventing her from performing the biological functions necessary for sex. Also, she doesn't feel pain or pleasure like a living person, instead being rather insensitive to physical stimulation. Sex wouldn't be all that enjoyable for her even if she could have it. And finally, THE main reason why sex is out for her: She's legally forbidden from committing any form of bodily exchange with anyone due to the risk of spreading the zombie plague. She's already on a government watchlist thanks to that BS Lala pulled, if it happens again, she'll be arrested and quarantined, maybe even destroyed as a threat to national safety. So yeah, she's not really able or allowed to have sex.

3 Points Flag