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Anonymous commented at 2018-11-12 19:36:18 » #2302049

Can someone explain the context for this pls? It seems like its from that original episode in the provisional license test arc when the rich genuis quirk girl tries to hunt them, but A: wtf is going on in the left insert - like wth there's an eyeball on a d*ck and a soda bottle and in the back someone's having a nosebleed waterfall or some shit idk man and B what is going on that Momo would be exposing herself? IK she's done that a few times when it wasn't needed (author is a total perv lol :/) but I don't remember anything like that in this ep. Is she trying to warm Tsuyu or smth?

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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-31 14:37:55 » #2319269

Bottom-left is Shoji cradling Tsuyu. The eye looks weird because it's one of his extra limbs from his quirk.

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