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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-08 00:26:30 » #2278420

Wish there was artwork of Cynthia that doesn't make her look like a total milf or like she just got a boob job done. God damn, is artwork of her with actual normal sized proportions too much to ask for?

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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-08 16:46:49 » #2278614

I wish more people would reference her official art. In Cynthia's official art her breasts are high B cup at most. You could argue for low C cup, but honestly she isn't well endowed like everyone draws her. She's quite thin and pleasantly lithe. Part of her appeal is how small-bodied she is and yet everyone draws her with melons larger than my head,thighs thicker than tree trunks and butt cheeks like tractor tires. It's honestly almost repulsive to me as someone who enjoys smaller women (not necessarily shorter than average though I certainly don't mind that) I don't even care if they are taller than me, i just don't like bulk.

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Steilon commented at 2018-12-04 05:33:16 » #2310154

Yeah I get that people like their Oppai but people like the character a lot of the time not just their tits, accuracy would be appreciated, that said it's not like having alternate versions isn't good just done a bit too often is all lol dood.

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