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camereaguy2 commented at 2018-09-10 19:02:17 » #2279412

Request incoming.
Send me a PM if you have a WebM request. Listen with headphones. Enjoy!!

1 Points Flag
gooHero commented at 2018-09-11 15:49:06 » #2279659

One question for you camereaguy2.... You do know that this is available for everybody online right?

I don't see the need for you to spam these already used, short and irrelevant gifs and webms.... If people want to see this they can make it inside 5 minutes themselves or just google it and see the entire episode :-/ what are people supposed to use this for? I could understand if this was something you made yourself, but it isn't ^^

I did not really want to comment; but I've been seeing this for weeks now and I couldn't help myself xD

3 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-09-11 20:22:10 » #2279717

Well, not that it's any of your business why I upload the things I do, I can still list a few reasons.

1. This is the kind of content that people asked me for.
2. People come to this site to share their interests in different anime and other Japanese media through means of GIFs, images, video clips, etc.
3. The reason that I upload this stuff is because I wanted to see them in 1080p and because other people weren't uploading any of the content that I wanted to see, or at least not often enough.
4. Of course you could always just watch the episode or the special that these GIFs and WebMs came from, but most people don't want to sit through all of that fluff for the one ecchi moment that they really enjoy. That's where I come in.
5. This is a way to promote the anime so that more people gain interest and may want to purchase it.
6. Spam? As though I'm the only one posting WebMs and GIFs from their favorite series. That's practically the entire site. By that logic all of gelbooru is spam. You can make a point by saying, "this was already uploaded", but just calling it spam because YOU think it's short and irrelevant is fallacious.

Also, please stop making the point that I didn't make the anime, as though it means anything. I know I didn't. I never claimed I did. I give the correct credits in the tags. Just stop. Can't y'all just enjoy the tits?

11 Points Flag
gooHero commented at 2018-09-12 02:24:45 » #2279801

1. Who? (People are free to respond here) and I look forward to camereaguy1 commenting ;-)
2-3. I check this site often, mainly to see if something new in specific categories pop up either for inspiration for Daz3D and because I love huge tits. Not to see already uploaded content in higher resolutions. I am sure others do too.
4. Does not coincide with 5., seeing as to you just uploaded what people "are looking for" and "don't want to waste time on" why would they ever purchase it!?
6. It has been done and uploaded before in some form - maybe not in 1080p but its here. Usually in around 2 hours after launch.

Point of all this: Make your own site if you have a "fan"base who want this. I seem to remember you doing something similar when Nutaku took over sales of Honey Select. In my opinion you are no better than sexsite spam bots!

Furthermore; I have had similar thoughts about releasing content like yours because I fucking love tits and want others to love them too, but you know what? It has been done - so I didn't xD I have been a steady on this site for over 10 years now and it just pisses me off to see this consistent redundant content flooding my favourite categories :-/ and yes I have already put you in my blacklist, but this keeps popping up still :-(

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-09-12 09:51:22 » #2279845

I wouldn't mind the constant posting if you didn't comment on every single one making them pop up in the Comments page every single post. I go to the Comments page to see what people are finding, not to find things that were just posted and being advertised by their poster

3 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-09-12 23:51:50 » #2280019

In response to gooHero
- I keep the people who request the GIFs I upload confidential. If they choose to reveal themselves by commenting on my posts, let it be done.
- The reason you check gelbooru is a specifically anecdotal one. Which is fine, because it lines up with the ToS. But it does not represent the entire user base as a whole. Gelbooru is essentially just another form of social media. That is, a site used for the sharing, uploading and downloading of different types of media for public use and personal interest. In which case, my posts STILL line up with the ToS and are, in fact, ENCOURAGED by the ToS. Please see ToS, bullet point 5 and 9.
- You say that 4 doesn't coincide with 5, but that's just not true. Advertisement is the way you find out about things. Whether it be a clip, a poster, a GIF or a meme, that's a form of advertisement. Every anime you've ever watched, every song you've ever listened to, every movie you've ever seen has been advertised to you. EVERY post on this website is a form of advertisement, even if they don't mean to be. What I upload is in the very same nature of all the posts you see on this site. An advertisement that encourages you to check out this series, or this manga, or this artist, or this studio, etc. Maybe you wouldn't want to purchase it, but that's why I said "may want to purchase it". There are always factors that come into play when determining a purchase, anime not being exclusive.
- Whether or not you like what you see is completely up to you. But you automatically agree and accept it when you use this site. See ToS, bullet point 7.
- I genuinely don't care if someone has uploaded an image, or GIF, or WebM that's already posted here. And neither does Gelbooru, because people have been posting duplicates long before I came across this site. What I do care about is posting content in as high enough quality that I can and giving people what they ask me for in the form of requests. I've never claimed to have a "fan" base, those are your words not mine. What I do have are like-minded individuals who often tell me that they enjoy my GIFs. I also have honest individuals who thank me for uploading GIFs in 1080p. And I also have thankful individuals who appreciate the stuff I upload and thank me for keeping these series alive. I'm no saint, I'm no one special, I didn't create the animation in ANY of the posts I upload. I'm just one guy who, much like you, loves huge tits. I don't break any ToS, I'm not advertising anything (by that I mean the selling of a product in exchange for money), I don't insult or harass anyone like some of the anonymous users who continually tell me fuck off or mark my comments as spam on some of my posts, thinking that that's going change my mind and make me stop. I'm just one, unimportant, regular-ass guy who wants to post different clips and images from the anime that he loves, in as high enough quality I can post them in.

Sorry your blacklist doesn't work. But tell that to Gelbooru, not me.
Thank you for being humble and engaging with me in conversation like an adult. That's more than I can say about some of the anonymous people in my comments who think they can get away with saying anything because of the false confidence that online anonymity gives them. Some, not all.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-24 06:02:09 » #2426507

I for one appreciate cameraguy submitting content. More gifs webms is great and many of us are lazy or can't make these clips.

Secondly, literally no point in harping on cameraguy for uploading these since that's what this site is for. Absolutely ridiculous that you initiate this chain of comments.

1 Points Flag