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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-01 07:18:58 » #2287102

This is what should’ve happened in GT. Not so much the sex but the idea of them getting together. Instead, Goten had to go get some random girl out of nowhere so that the writers could do nothing with her and probably forget that she existed. Meanwhile Bra did... what again? This really is a symptom of having too many characters that refuse to stay dead, they stick around, pile up and become a mass of useless irrelevant decorations or simply vanish and are forgotten like they’re in some sort of purgatory.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-25 09:40:24 » #2505623

Bra was a kid in GT, anon...
Goten is like 13 years older than Bra.

3 Points Flag
AnimeFan98 commented at 2020-04-26 13:24:07 » #2518570

Anon 2 this is her clearly aged up.

14 Points Flag