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playerdude commented at 2018-09-22 23:44:13 » #2283662

what's up with 3 straight picture of Serena being ntr from this artist? the old Serena pics from this artist was so vanilla, why the sudden change?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-09-23 05:50:53 » #2283719

He awoke to the purest of fetishes.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-05 02:51:53 » #2288563

I know a few pokemon donjin artist, and they told me why Serena is popular with NTR

This is called “innocent bitch” type of character in Japan. Typically the character says that her heart/love is with someone but once raped, sexual harassed, her brain couldn’t controls her naturally slutty body.

Serena has innocent bitch character because 1.she’s pretty hot 2.she likes Satoshi yet never fullfill the love 3. She likes attention/fashion/sexy stuff we know that thot is everywhere in fashion industry. Multiple impressions turned into R18 defines the innocent bitch Serena.

She likes Satoshi, but she loves Sex too. Once the sex end, she will love Satoshi again. Kind of like a degenerative personality fetish

12 Points Flag