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SavageSmile commented at 2018-09-24 06:49:48 » #2284193

I have never seen such a flood of pics for one character. Much less a fan made character. I have long been a fan of Peach but Bowsette takes it for me. I welcome the pics.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-18 12:12:02 » #2293061

I think it's because Bowser is popular (Mario's foil / antagonist)... and gender-swapping has always been a thing, but Nintendo basically made it canon with that crown ...

And honestly.. Bowsette is hate-fuck material, pure and simple. Bowser is a character we love to hate, so when he gets turned into a woman, suddenly we (guys) feel like it's time to put him/her in his/her place and hate fuck the shit out of him/her.

To me, Bowsette also plays into the idea of having a girlfriend / wife that's just been a total bitch lately (acting like Bowser) and you hate her fucking guts and can't stand the site of her. and wonder why you put up with her shit.

Then one day she dolls herself up, and you see her and just go "oh, right.. that's why I put up with your shit .. time to hate fuck the shit out of you, bitch, and make up for all the shit you've put me through!"

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