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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-06 11:47:37 » #2431578

Excellent pic, just short of perfect because of three problems:

1) The fight didn't happen outdoors, even official art got that mixed up and I wonder if that's because it was drawn really early in the game's development.

2) Ayla is still in her time as she was permanently recruited AFTER this fight.

3) Wouldn't the other monsters be either evacuating or searching for the heroes elsewhere in the castle? Not like they knew the heroes had pwned Ozzie and reached the throne, much less that they'd found the ceremonial room were Magus was doing his thing...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-06 11:49:06 » #2431580

Anon1 here, because editing comments is bad:

Fourth problem, why are the Mystical Knights hanging around watching when even if Slash and Flea are fine, they'd be nursing Ozzie back to health and falling back to the Fort.

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