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Anonymous commented at 2019-02-20 03:12:32 » #2338688

...now that's an interesting idea. Russian 'Masterkey'...

Shotgun component seems to be the RMB-93, which is unconventional as shotguns go; it is not only upside down (magazine tube on top, barrel on bottom) but the pump action is also reversed (forward to open action, backward to close action and ready to fire). One problem that presents for the idea of using it in a 'Masterkey' configuration is that the top of the shotgun would have to be accessible in order to reload it. However, with a little redesigning, it might be possible to get access to the magazine tube from the side, instead. Alternatively, it might be possible to feed rounds in from the bottom, in a manner similar to (but inverted compared to) the old Winchester 1887/1903 patterns, so maybe no modifications would be needed after all, but the reload process would just be a little awkward.

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