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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-15 04:19:54 » #2350674

Engine with mounted gun(s), for Interceptor work, which would demand quicker reponse time than mere combat air patrol duties?

Visible gun (top of the engine, in plain view) appears to be based on the Lewis gun.

There may however be a larger weapon concealed within the engine; it was common practice at one time to have a 20mm or 30mm cannon, or some other automatic weapon, mounted in such a way that it fired through the propeller hub. This arrangement meant that the gun would be more or less hidden within the engine, in order for the driveshaft (linking engine to propeller) and barrel of the weapon (linking gun to propeller hub) to share the same axis. I suggest the presence of this other gun because of the long protrusion ahead of the propeller disc, coming through the hub.

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