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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-25 22:07:15 » #2317389

This and a lot of other things would’ve made GT better. There are also quite a few things that would’ve made Z and Super better but people generally like those I guess so pass.

5 Points Flag
negarider commented at 2020-03-25 09:38:48 » #2505621

Are you nuts, anon 1?
In GT Bra was 10 and Goten 22.

2 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2020-08-05 06:09:17 » #2556012

Goten and Bra are actually 13 years apart. It's so incredibly weird to even consider it to be true, but it is. Most likely because Goten, like Goku before him, remained physically small and childlike for so much of his early life.

Like Goku, the kid will have one Hell of a growth spurt.

3 Points Flag