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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-20 18:16:40 » #2353040

So instead of a super tight form fitting bodysuit that shows off her body that can’t be touched, she goes with a see-through shirt that shows off her body that can’t be touched. I know she’s kind of forced to cover up her body despite having desires and needs and maybe wants to express herself so she doesn’t feel repressed and confined in her own body, but man is being around her brutal for the guys.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-21 17:31:41 » #2353430

I always found it weird that for the longest time in the world of comics where there are super geniuses and anything can happen even people coming back from the dead in the most convoluted ways, that they couldn’t find a way to dampen her powers for a bit so that she can live like a normal person for a bit or fix Professor X up permanently so he doesn’t have to spend the rest of his existence in fear of stairs or do something for the mutants that look like weirdos.

It’s like the Superman dilemma of how he can’t just fix and do everything because it’d be boring. There are ways to solve the problems if you think about it, these people just need to suffer like Peter Parker consistently needs be a fuck-up with money problems or Bruce Wayne needs to be a single grumpy jerk. Because of the status quo. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what reality warping abilities, godlike power or supreme infinite wisdom anyone possesses because they can’t really change anything and have it stick or matter years from now. Oh god, I’m joyless and dead inside.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-01 14:45:00 » #2508196

There WAS a way. I remember in the 90s animated series, she and Gambit were trying to make it work as a couple, and she was learning to control her powers more efficiently. They actually did have a kiss that got pretty heated, but they had to break apart when she lost control for just a second or two. He was just glad to have gotten those couple of moments with her, preferring to get hurt going for it than to just play it safe and never try.

3 Points Flag