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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-30 14:44:54 » #2357883

I'm fine with artists putting their names off to the side to advertise and try to garner support for themselves, but their desire for it becomes all to plain when they stock it right in the middle of the piece like that. They do themselves no favors like this.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-05 11:30:10 » #2442325

^^ It's more for copyright

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-05 11:32:01 » #2442326

#2357883 -
They put all this effort into their work, then some jackoffs clip off the copyright and post it elsewhere without giving the artists any credit what-so-ever.
If artists have to resort to such actions to make it more difficult for inconsiderate fucks to pilfer their work with reckless abandon, maybe its time to start giving credit where credit's due.
Consider the recognition (and payment) you'd want for your own hard work, then review the stupidity you wrote above.

1 Points Flag