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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-23 22:35:25 » #2412916

It hurts to realize that we are never going to see the talents that made so many wonderful work ever again. Even if the person responsible will be judged accordingly, the fact remains that the scars will remain. There is no happy ending here, but we can help support those who lost their loved ones and hopefully the company will get back on their feet even if it will take many years. Thank you, Kyoto Animation.

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-27 09:08:37 » #2427706

In the darkness, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. KyoAni has decided to get back on their feet in direct response to the massive show of support they got in the aftermath, but it will be slow going. The talent and lives lost can never be replaced, but new talent can be fostered. Much like how a forest can revive itself after a fire as new trees and plants grow where old trees and plants were burned.

8 Points Flag