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Diving-Fox commented at 2020-01-01 21:15:41 » #2475805

I wish she was more than a filler character. Hell, I wish I'd wrote Dragon Ball, because then the humans wouldn't be useless, and then I could give Yamcha a girlfriend. He deserves something...

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-02 18:42:31 » #2476139

The longer the series goes on, the more characters will be done a disservice unfortunately. Which can probably be said about all franchises across the board nowadays.

Personally, I’d like to actually explore the consequences of death more. A whole planet of Saiyans died but I don’t see hair nor hide of them in the afterlife. If they can still exist and train and get stronger even in death and potentially be brought back, consider what impact that could have on the galaxy. Frieza’s fears fully realized.

Maybe more world building of the actual earth. A place with talking animals, dinosaurs and technology advanced enough to shrink flying cars to the size of a pill and still we don’t really have an idea of what society is like or how the world works. You’d think that they’d seriously invest in better tech and weaponry knowing that a demon king ruled the world or that an alien came down and levelled a damn city. I’ve never seen a civilization so advanced and yet so stupid and underdeveloped.

But instead of dwelling on what’s already there, it was decided to expand to multiple universes most of which probably won’t even matter outside of the tournament. Dragon Ball really could benefit from better and more thoughtful writing and planning things out but it really is too late for all of that this late in the game. It is what it is.

9 Points Flag