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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-31 14:57:32 » #2487044

Dunno about Billy and Rebecca. Personally, I think it falls into the trap of why don’t they end up together by the end that sort of haunts this series.

Chris with Rebecca or Sheva.
Leon with Claire, Ashley, Helena or Hunnigan in the off chance.
Jill with Chris or Carlos.
Jake with Sherry.

I think it’s fine for two people after a whole big thing not to end up together especially if the romance wasn’t specifically set up, established or just executed very well. It’s a trope that’s used in cinema way too often to the point where you just sort of expect it to happen even if it doesn’t really make sense. It’s part of the reason why I liked Fury Road, a man and woman work together and bond through the process and that’s all. Although I will admit it happens perhaps a bit too often in RE to the point where it has to be on purpose and you can’t help but wonder why it’s such a recurring thing.

I guess Ada and Leon is sort of an outlier but their relationship is this weird dancing around the subject kind of thing. There are clearly feelings there but the most that comes from it are hints and speculation. I’m not sure how many guys are willing to be lead on and teased for as long as Leon has though.

And this is why Barry who has a wife and child is just way ahead of the game and the best.

3 Points Flag
St._Araqiel commented at 2020-02-01 01:03:46 » #2487214

the trap of why don’t they end up together by the end that sort of haunts this series
I look at it this way: UST = plentiful fanfic/fanart fuel.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-01 14:54:37 » #2487401

Is it just me or does Jake and Sherry almost feel like another attempt at Billy and Rebecca? A short haired girl that’s a little young and green plus the tough bad boy. Maybe it’s just a coincidence or someone really likes that dynamic, who can say?

3 Points Flag