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Recon_Agent commented at 2020-09-13 20:08:58 » #2563815

I don't recall Shizue being Scottish, unless it's the dog breed she is. Regardless, if she and Gloria could outdrink the Demoman, then damn, that's impressive.

13 Points Flag
Loving_Loyal_Lycanthrope_Lord commented at 2022-06-19 14:42:47 » #2721741

Recon_Agent, whilst I certainly agree, it's also possible that sheer physical exhaustion was a factor.
Let's face it, The Demoman's job is considerably more physically and mentally intense and taxing than either of the ladies' jobs.
For all we know, Demo could be on the mend and on some serious meds right about now.
And we all know what a "great" idea mixing alcohol with medication is.
To be fair, I really DO want to see what BEERFEST would be like with characters such as these.
Hell, POTFEST as well!
Especially with Jay & Silent Bob! XD

5 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2023-03-12 22:40:59 » #2788806

Can't quite put My Finger on it, but I could relate to this Image, & I'm sure there are others that feel the same. <3

2 Points Flag