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DelerpTurtle commented at 2020-03-13 00:11:51 » #2501681

I spent maybe half an hour translating Modern Hylian - which isn't even the Hylian alphabet in BotW, and I don't even know what the words are even supposed to be! I bet sparrow just threw the letters in there at random! Dammit, I can't fap to this.

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-16 14:04:54 » #2502713

Honestly, until I took a closer look at the speech bubbles I thought it was Korean.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-18 01:54:15 » #2503139

I believe Zelda is saying "Stasis~" as in the stasis rune from Breath of the Wild. I can't tell what the dog is supposed to be saying though, but considering how convoluted the "stasis" is (it's using a hylian language from a different generation than botw and using Japanese katakana to spell out an english word even though the word for stasis is completely different in Japanese), it could be pretty much anything. My best guess is that the dog is supposed to be saying something like "until morning" since this appears to be at night and "asa" means morning, which is in its hylian phrase (u ha asa! probably)

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-28 08:17:59 » #2506777

I just can't fap to this because of the derpy ass face the dog is rocking.

7 Points Flag
oldartist1984 commented at 2022-04-26 07:59:23 » #2707096

Well it has two choices. First go screw another dog or. Second go screw Princess Zelda. If I was him I'd go for the Princess.

0 Points Flag