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Onra commented at 2020-03-28 04:17:09 » #2506715

Hypnosis, the only thing bypassing her huge defenses. Even with her defense being so high, she’s such an easy girl to penetrate.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-22 22:04:01 » #2517055

stab dmg can bypass def so make sure to have a strong spear

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-24 23:53:27 » #2517867

Ignoring porn physics and the Rule of Sexy, would this even work? Let's think about this.

She's a virgin, so she should still have her hymen, and if swords don't work on her, a penis shouldn't. On the other hand, this is her in game character, and developers mightn't have programmed in hymens, but that just raises more questions. Why did the devs add in functioning vaginas? To make the game more realistic? I'm pretty sure she's underage, so do they allow children to play this or is it restricted to people of age only, and is that why we don't see sex in the anime and LN? But if they add in vaginas why not hymens - did she lose her virginity early on when she had lower defense or does defense not come into play when calculating hymen damage?

Actually, that last one makes sense. It'd be annoying for characters with a defense build to have to find someone with a high strength build to take their virginity - sure, most characters wouldn't have as high of a defense as Maple, but they're also being 'attacked' by a penis and not a dedicated weapon.

8 Points Flag
Cumcake commented at 2020-06-03 04:51:07 » #2535911


Could you imagine trying to break someone's nearly unbreakable hymen for nearly an hour or two lol

5 Points Flag