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Anonymous commented at 2020-05-05 11:00:34 » #2522783

Is it just me or is the way Frieza completely naked roughing it with a shirtless man weirdly homoerotic? Not to mention the way he looks, behaves, surrounded himself with the Ginyu force and Zarbon as well as the delight he had in sadistically dominating Vegeta.

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Legaloli commented at 2020-05-05 12:01:24 » #2522790

If you wanna be technical, Frieza has transformed into a natural state, like molting out of a cocoon. He is by definition "naked". However, he has hardened spots on his body much like how insects have armor made of keratin. Frieza has no Genitalia due to the fact that his race reproduces another way. He would have no need of clothes because he wouldn't have anything to shield our eyes from. Plus his body can survive in space, meaning he naturally is resistant to heat or cold, so again no need for clothes. And we all know Goku loses his shirt when shit gets serious. It's possible he still wore weighted clothing, so his shirt off would weigh him down less.

1 Points Flag
Legaloli commented at 2020-05-05 12:02:31 » #2522791

As fort he Ginyu force and Zarbon...yeah...no scientific explanations there...

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