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Loving_Loyal_Lycanthrope_Lord commented at 2020-11-20 01:28:02 » #2576612

I never did understand why soo many got soo upset over her, I mean,
her character design isn't anything new or ground braking...

21 Points Flag
Blanketslate commented at 2020-11-20 02:11:15 » #2576621

Well to be fair people argue about almost anything. Prices, the stock market, employee benefits, salray vs. bi-weekly pay, sports, movies, comic books, videogames, their own sex life, etc. If it exists people are both arguing about it and/or masturbating to it. As long as people hate or like things they will always disagree. Too bad free will for all of humanity exists, since we all abuse it so badly.

13 Points Flag
ElectricSheepFailure commented at 2024-02-13 00:31:14 » #2865353

I'd chalk it up to the prudes that believe the bigger the rack, the more sexist its supposed to be.
They think fat-shaming is inhumane, but boob-shaming is 'civilized'. I don't get it.

3 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2024-02-13 01:01:37 » #2865360

As is often the case with the internet, some people disliked something and an even greater number of people over reacted to the first group and made it a far bigger issue than it originally was.

Also, you can't shame a fictional character. I also hate her design. It's mostly her eyes and "flesh fang". Her mother and sister somehow look waay better even though they look 90% the same.

5 Points Flag
SadSap commented at 2024-02-13 10:41:02 » #2865479

@QAiizx I already know you have a biased favoritism towards the woke anime crowd, but I'll simply just say that there's nothing wrong with mocking a bunch of oversensitive losers who cry loudly over busty anime girls. Mocking them is simply a defense mechanism from their complaining and the attack force that they have chose to start. Also yes, you can bodyshame a fictional character. Mock a female character for being ugly, unattractive, masculine, obese, etc. and watch how quickly you'd get accused of bodyshaming and get personal insults hurled at you.

3 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2024-02-13 11:12:26 » #2865485

"-get personal insults hurled at you."

"@QAiizx I already know you have a biased favoritism towards the woke anime crowd"


4 Points Flag
SadSap commented at 2024-02-13 11:26:26 » #2865487

@QAiizx I mean I remember you posted (mostly now deleted) comments that seemed to defend woke anime BS. I feel you simply just don't see the big picture if you always have to deflect attention on only one side of the fence, and not the other. And yes, insult a character such as MJ in Insomanic's Spiderman 2, Abby, or the myraid of unattractive, ordinary looking modern western video game girls because they are unattractive or they are poorly written. There are people who WILL insult you for that. You'll get called an incel, a sexist, a conservative, a gamer chud, a person who's never seen a real woman before, etc.

2 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2024-02-13 12:03:28 » #2865498

There is no big picture. There aren't groups out to get you. There are just millions of random people. Some are assholes, some aren't. Some agree with you, some don't and waaay more don't care.

It's not that complicated. Stay away from twitter.

4 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2024-02-13 12:14:44 » #2865501

Technically it Everywhere, not just on Twitter, Twitter is just another Scapegoat Victim along with Sir Elon Musk.. Prejudices is everywhere, it can't be Squash or Beaten, just a gets a Little Bit Better Everyday for Everyone in Their Own Way.. Play some Kingdom Hearts, but not Gullible, like Sir Riku.. Also, Prejudices is a Fools Game, created by Elitists & the Corrupted to watch Us all have at it like the Hunger Games for Their Per-Amusement.. <3 <3 <3

1 Points Flag
SadSap commented at 2024-02-13 12:35:33 » #2865507

The big picture is that there are plenty of weird people who bitch and whine all day about things like busty anime girls, who will never be satisfied. Don't make me out to sound like some conspiracy theorist, or that I'm afraid random twitter people are "out to get me". I'm simply stating that there is nothing wrong with refuting the talking points or mocking weird people (twitter, reddit, etc.) for bitching about harmless things like big anime boobs. You can't really say this is a "Streisand effect" issue when they started it first, and there are numerous people on the other side who lose their marbles when some sexualized big titty fictional character exists.

2 Points Flag