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stillanon commented at 2020-12-25 05:47:02 » #2583181

Anyone noticed that Boris hasn’t done lolis in a while? Well, I suppose the Pokémon MC’s could be lolis, but still. Did something happen or have they just lost interest in lolis?

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Bongo_Bongo commented at 2020-12-25 06:18:56 » #2583188

I can only hazard a guess, but I suspect he avoids them to get idiot westerners off his back. He's one of the few artists I know that specifically doesn't allow replies to his art tweets because he always got "Delete This!" comments and other meaningless puritan meme shit on every post he used to make, especially the loli posts i.e. Bridal Sanaki, Lysithea and such.

Alternatively, considering his OC Fanbox posts, he probably just has a preference for older & more 'buxom' women. I think that's a more likely explanation than my insane conspiracy theory.

1 Points Flag
stillanon commented at 2020-12-26 05:31:20 » #2583370

Understandable if it’s the latter case, although sad if he’s actually submitting to haters for the former. His lolis were honestly amongst my favourites.

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Furegen commented at 2021-01-09 17:39:17 » #2586098

It's a shame, would've loved to see them draw Sanaki or Fae's Christmas alts

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