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BigStudBen commented at 2021-04-12 11:18:10 » #2604723

Poor poor Mai, She deserves better. <3

7 Points Flag
MassGenocide commented at 2022-02-11 18:02:12 » #2687838

Not really. Mai isn't the face of Fatal Fury. That would be Terry Bogard .

1 Points Flag
PenisPecker111 commented at 2022-06-15 19:44:09 » #2720663

People want Mai Cause they like Mai
Not to mention Smash is mostly Male and Animal/Monster which also tend to be more MALE.

So, having some ladies in Sausage Smash Ulitmate would be nice. Especially since Mai doesn't have weapons other than those fans, we need more fist fighting women.
Last I saw there really isn't ANY, they all have a weapon.

Basically, reason I want her is cause I like her, and she could be another female fist fighter. I mean, it's the same reason I'd want Tifa in Smash. I like her more than Cloud..

1 Points Flag
BeeMovieScript commented at 2023-09-21 23:57:19 » #2832163

#2687838 - Min Min isn't the face of ARMS. Pyra and Mythra aren't the face of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. And given that he's the villain, Kazuya certainly isn't the face of Tekken. Shall I go on?

Point being, Nintendo doesn't care who the face of the series is anymore. It's just a popularity contest.

0 Points Flag