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naughtywulf commented at 2010-04-17 00:02:25 » #277505

I'd love to get it on with CoCo... He's so cute!O///O

13 Points Flag
Ahatake5000 commented at 2010-06-01 18:24:15 » #319870

Is this from an actual episodes?

7 Points Flag
tamakisempa1 commented at 2010-12-10 19:57:36 » #539775

I already know that I'm bi but the male body is a major turn off for me, that's why I like traps and futa so much. Also to follow on what some other people are saying, I'd love to be the one in the middle.

8 Points Flag
DaHentaiGuy commented at 2011-01-09 23:46:02 » #576252

It's Japan's fault for NOT CHANGING THE LAW BACK to how it was originally, after the US left (stopped ocupying Japan) like HALF A CENTURY AGO!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the US forced certain laws on Japan initally, but later Japan COULD have changed some laws back to their original form, but JAPAN chose not to and still they have not. It is JAPAN'S FAULT in this case.

3 Points Flag
Youji-kun commented at 2011-01-22 21:33:29 » #591831

Want. Want. Want.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-02 01:02:07 » #638781

What I would give to be him...

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-02 01:04:22 » #638788

Fuck yes, he looks perfect, I would just melt... and I mean melt inside his cuddly sweet rump

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-03 22:48:22 » #680696

Chico is the best shota from Boku no Pico. :3

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-12 04:51:11 » #844277

Chico is the youngest and smallest boy, which makes it even hotter that they fuck him like this.

10 Points Flag
Sharkface commented at 2012-01-05 11:53:45 » #969256

Indeed it does suck that it's censored, but you have to imagine, if this were not censored it simply couldn't have existed. Also, if it didn't exist you couldn't have the imagery you are granted from this mosaic filter. Regardless, at the end of the day it's still incredible that it exists WITH censors. So... I can't say I'm too mad.

3 Points Flag