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LivingCorpse commented at 2021-08-10 03:11:34 » #2637766

I don't know why but kaiju with force-fields, excuse me, "energy-barriers" are pretty rare and art of them is even more rare. I can't find any of Mechagodzilla or Spacegodzilla using there. I know the original Mechagodzilla only used it once but it was such a standout moment they showed it again in a flashback for the sequel and Spacegodzilla uses his multiple times to protect himself and a plot MacGuffin.

Most art I found of a kaiju using an energy-barrier or force-field is, eh, Godzilla Earth. Which I'll admit was a cool power but I really didn't like the anime triology. I feel like the only reason most of the art I found is him because he always forms a force-field before firing his heat ray.

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