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Anonymous commented at 2012-10-28 16:02:02 » #1191246

I absolutely love how all Sisters of Battle have such big, fat tits. THAT CAN'T BE PRACTICAL- wait this is 40k, nothing in it is practical...

6 Points Flag
Senor_Trappington commented at 2022-10-06 14:05:03 » #2755202

I think it's just exaggerated for the sake of armour, anon, her tits may in reality be much smaller than that.
Here's hoping that isn't the case.

0 Points Flag
Oppai_chan commented at 2022-10-06 15:42:48 » #2755224

Sororitas chest armor may have deliberately exaggerated busts for legal reasons. The Ecclesiarchy is banned from maintaining "men under arms," so the church may have wanted to make it obvious at a glance that their loophole-abusing army consists of women, and women only.

Either that, or the Nuns with Guns are just inherently stacked... with faith for the Emperor.

0 Points Flag
Senor_Trappington commented at 2022-10-07 16:54:12 » #2755463

A little related to that fact is that breast armour is actually structurally stronger than a flatter piece of armour. Even though breast armour never existed in history, it still follows typical armour construction technique that it would be as strong, if not stronger than a regular breastplate, given that it can deflect incoming blows much better.

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