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yukibelle commented at 2010-04-04 21:53:21 » #267148

Nice. I vote for Vash-sama.

10 Points Flag
saktomo commented at 2010-04-04 22:09:08 » #267157

Somehow, I'm more worried if there will be anything left of the Statue of Liberty when this fight is over.

17 Points Flag
Drakken commented at 2010-04-04 23:42:37 » #267233

Honestly, these hero v hero matchups are getting annoying. None of these characters are in the same verse and even if they were, they'd have absolutely no reason to fight!

But... if we must consider this scenario...
Both of them are capable of dodging bullets (Vash with his reflexes, Spidey with his Spider-Sense & Reactions) and neither would really be willing to kill the other.

Spiderman has a level of super-strength and his webbing,
Vash has his guns (I highly doubt he'd use that super-powerful-gunmode-whose-name-I-can't-remember-right-now) and some degree of greater abilities.

The thing is, Spiderman has the advantage of maneuverability here. If they were to have this match-up, I'm sorry, but I'd have to say it'd be Spidey KO-ing Vash or convincing him to back down.

There, my spiel over. :/

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-08 14:44:57 » #270426

...Spidey got this one covered...Spidey fought Superman (canon) and Vash is no where near that...also he has dealt with Deadpool and Vash would commit suicide after five seconds with The Pool.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-11 00:32:52 » #272468

Ah. I remember this. This is from an old issue of Wizards magazine, when they had a section on Comic Book Characters vs Manga Characters. I forgot the rest of the matchups, but I remember they had Gatchamen and Tetsuo from Akira in there

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-20 01:57:38 » #280371

@drakken: I think, to be fair, you'd have to include the fact that he's insanely intelligent with over a century of experience at fighting (if i remember right, but either way, more than spidey).

And they're called angel arms, I think.

I see vash thwarting spidey's web swinging by shooting out the webs he's hanging on. Then, if vash is desperate and serious, he utilizes the moment of spidey being off balance and puts a few nonlethal, incapacitating bullet holes in him. If not, it's brute strength and agility vs intelligence and experience. Not sure how that would end up, but leaning towards spidey. But maybe vash'd just run away, he's good at that. >_>

8 Points Flag
coldflamez commented at 2010-04-24 21:43:04 » #284403

Spiderman has a Healing Factor. Besides, Spiderman is a Genius.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-26 00:17:16 » #285460

Vash never grows old and has cannon that would blow NY off the map. But I still can choose between the two.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-30 07:46:06 » #317284

Yeah and spider-man can use his powers to sneak up on Vash and knock him out in one punch. But Spidey doesn't do that and Vash doesn't blow up cities (at least when his brother isn't involved). I'll have to give the fight to spidey. Both of them won't kill, or involve bystanders, but spidey not only has home advantage, but can dodge any bullets thanks to his spider-sense and then either beat him up close range or goop him long range. Vash can't dodge this, because in terms of physical strength and speed, Vash is low compared to most spider villains.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-11 16:09:01 » #361651

you see people, i like these match ups. everyone is using their brains and not being fan boys. proud, proud, proud.

15 Points Flag