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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-18 16:35:53 » #405807

Tales of Hinamizawa!!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-18 22:35:47 » #406182

Keiichi: Takedown Rush (basically a massive beating with his bat, does a lot of physical damage)
Rena: Synchro Beat (Rena and Keiichi proceed to beat the crap out of the opponent with dual strikes from bats and cleavers in perfect sync before ending with slicing the enemy in half. Then, Keiichi and Rena kiss.)
Mion: Karyuu Enbu (Like Sophie's, but not fire-based, just an awesome physical pwning.)
Shion: Indignation (yes, I went there. She shocks the enemy with her taser, then a bolt of lightning drops down and fries them. 99999 damage on Dhaos and a cookie to those who get the reference.)
Satoko: Cunning Explosion (Satoko sets traps around a confused enemy, and before they can react, she sets them off, and the enemy is blown to pieces in a gigantic KABOOM!!!)
Rika: Hyper Cutter (Rika does her nipah and grabs her scythe, then proceeds to slice the living hell out of the enemy before ending with a banishing strip like Rei uses. Shocks the enemy and kills it.)
Satoshi: Takedown Rush (Similar to Keiichi's, but the strikes themselves are different.)
Hanyuu: Demon Banishment Wave (Hanyuu grabs Onigari no Ryuo from Daybreak and concentrates. After a few seconds, she unleashes a massive energy wave that pwns the enemy.)
Akasaka: Force Palm (He does a few flip kicks before leaping over the enemy and delivering a brutal palm slam to the chest that makes them crash to the ground, defeated. FUCK YEAH AKASAKA to quote a Higurashi Hell.)
Demon Rena: Spiral Cutter (Rena tosses her cleaver back and forth, doing damage on each cycle, before tossing the enemy into the air and impaling it on the way down. She then tosses the enemy aside and laughs maniacally.)

Just my ideas for their Mystic Artes (or Hi-ougis, or Blast Calibers, or whatever the f**k they're called nowadays.)

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-19 00:55:32 » #406350


Nice picture though.

3 Points Flag
iluvpudding4eva commented at 2010-08-20 17:59:11 » #408044

Cool story anon2

4 Points Flag
Makemebad5493 commented at 2011-08-11 01:03:44 » #842816

Cool story indeed!

1 Points Flag