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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-29 14:51:37 » #418273




5 Points Flag
Smothtiger commented at 2010-08-29 15:47:42 » #418310

Honestly, anon1, I don't mind them replacing Brock. Actually, I wished that they replaced him because it could be fun seeing something fresh.

I think that the trainer and coordinator paths have been told quite a lot but the path as a breeder was never really brought forward equally as the other two. So, hopefully, they build the story more on the world of Pokémon on a whole instead of a trio of kids trying to be the best.

I'm looking forward to if they have done with this new series.

On a side note, I like the design of Ash. Original yet at the same time nostalgic somehow. Would definitely been nice if they would give it a better motive though.

Though his companions on the other hand is bugging me that they gave her an annoyingly large hair and the green haired Apollo Justice. I might forgive it if the characters personality fit the design.

I apologise for my rant. Sometimes it just happens.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-29 21:39:15 » #418670

I agree with Smothtiger. Brock was a fun character and all but it's always the same thing with him...actually with each episode. Ash moves from one city to another and for a stupid reason wants to help a stranger out, brock hits on every girl, the main girl character does very little in the episode, if anything she just helps when team rocket shows up

so the idea of them bringing in a new character like Dento is good. Although...Im not sure if I like his design. and for Iris. I hate her design. Why not the b/w girl?! D:
Anyways IM sorry for MY rant. but yes, sometimes it just does happen lol

4 Points Flag
MasterZero commented at 2010-08-31 13:20:53 » #420631

My own two cents right now. Hmm...I don't really mind Brock leaving either. Yes, he was a fun character, but its time to move on. He had a great run, and now we have something new. I may start watching Pokemon again, just to see what these characters are like.

Dento doesn't look too bad. I don't know much about his personality though. Iris looks cute, but I'll need time to get used to her hair. That big bush will need sometime to get used to. Then again, I'm sure Rule 34 will find a way to make her beautiful.

I'm just glad no one is getting too violent about this change. At least, on this picture. Something tells me other people aren't too happy...

3 Points Flag