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haku67 commented at 2010-12-08 01:23:20 » #536087

i want to play this :)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-10 08:07:56 » #615166

me too

this is an awesome crossover

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-15 20:07:08 » #621689

I honestly don't get why game companies don't take advantage of these things. I mean, its fucking obvious that if they made a game like this (Sangoku Musou-style) with the DQ characters from all games, it would be a GIANT hit (which translates to millions for them)...so why not fucking do it then!?

1 Points Flag
Lu_Aza commented at 2011-10-20 04:50:35 » #905176

Because it's niche at best; only a certain population of gamers like either series, and the overlapping portion of those populations is tiny. That alone is enough to make nobody even consider it from a business stand point.

Development and resources are expensive, and if they want to go for the best possible hopes for turning a profit it would have to be multi platform... but development time for multiple versions would be stacked on and cost even more.

But I suppose if it WAS, as in this example, Dragon Quest, they MIGHT get their money back and more, because that fanbase is rabid and will buy whatever is put out. But that's just for that example; anything else would again, not even be considered because of costs.

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Anonymous commented at 2014-12-20 20:51:27 » #1656014

And now we have Dragon Quest Heroes.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-19 20:38:51 » #1918177

It might be "niche at best" in America, but in Japan both series are fucking huge.

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