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BigStudBen commented at 2024-02-18 08:58:36 » #2867070

Luffy is Built Differently, but doesn't Mean He doesn't Care.. Technically They should Shag more often without Cheapin' the Meaning of Friendship.. There's some want Sir Luffy to be either Gay or Asexual to suit Their Views of Themselves & some Others.. But the way Princess Boa Hancock keeps coming back to thinking of Sir Luffy, makes it Official Everything has a Reason, at this Point in Anime & Vidgames Traditions by Sir Rayleigh, suggests there might be a Bun in the Oven, let's hope it doesn't turn out to be Sir Ace's & Mommy Issues of Tragic Dramas.. <3 <3 <3

4 Points Flag
Grillo commented at 2024-03-19 11:03:37 » #2875944

Well actually she?s like 8 inches taller than him so her amazing breasts should be at about the perfect height to enjoy the sight. She?s also over 12 years older than Luffy.

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