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Anonymous commented at 2010-11-10 05:38:09 » #501452

Yeah...I think we al know that Wolf was Hal's "one time in a lifetime" opportunity. Too bad for the man, cause she was HOT.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-19 20:59:35 » #513000

Do you think Keystrokes can bloom on the battlefield?

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-21 19:12:16 » #515434

I never got why people always got so sympathetic for her when she died. I mean, she shot the woman Snake was falling for, tried to kill him, and was part of an attempt to start a nuclear war.

Oh, yeah, she's hot so everyone just ignored everything else.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-22 08:30:00 » #516183

Anon3: You missed the part where she was the only one being genuinely nice to Hal and others who were less than pleased to be there, she was caring for and feeding the canines on the base when the others left them to fend for themselves and questionable combat tactics aside she had quite the interesting personality. You're also angling it as "Shot the woman snake was falling for" rather than the more correct "Shot an enemy combatant who happened to be Snake's love interest.

And in hindsight now that the ridicolously convoluted story has been wrapped up, they were not trying to start a nuclear war. Although this last bit is more semantics seeing that at the time of MGS1's release this was not known and fans still liked her.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-11-23 19:13:43 » #518052

Ok, so she was nice to Hal and the wolves, and that's nice. But isn't that like saying Hitler wasn't a bad guy cause he let that Jewish doctor that had helped his mother escape Germany? In both cases the bad the person did far outweighed the good.

Yeah, Meryl was an enemy, but she was only and enemy because she wouldn't turn traitor like the rest.

Keep in mind that while Liquid wanted freedom from the Patriots, he also wanted perpetual war, so she still wanted something that was gonna cause a lot of innocent people to suffer.

Also, why did Snake say that him and others like him were "Dogs of War", while she was a "wolf". Why put himself, and every man he has ever served with, below her?

I've just noticed that a lot (not all) of MGS fans don't really seem to think for themselves, they base their feelings towards characters over what Kojima pushes.

Take for example The Boss. Most people hate the control that the Patriots had over humanity, that it was wrong and evil. But The Boss essentially wanted that same thing, a small group of unknown individuals that ran everything. As far as she was concerned "To hell with democracy and the people having any say in Government." Yet people treat her as a complete hero.

Sorry for all that in one comment, I got a little carried away.

5 Points Flag
lulzy commented at 2010-11-23 19:19:43 » #518057

Anon 5 asks good questions...

I think Snake was just trying to console her. He couldn't possibly have actually meant that; might as well be kind to someone who's dying...

And I agree with the others about her relationship with Otacon. Not to mention the scene in which she died featured some well-executed pathos, what with the music, her backstory and such.

She may have done some heinous things but, and this is a common theme in fiction, perhaps she wasn't ALL bad. I don't know if that's what Kojima was going for and I don't care. That's just my interpretation.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-13 18:30:49 » #543721

I guess he could have been just being nice to her. But Snake has always been unnaturally down on himself, so I'm not to sure if he didn't mean it.

Your are right though, it was a well done scene. I just think people get to infatuated with the great execution of the scene, to the point that it doesn't matter how bad she was.

2 Points Flag
mongooseman commented at 2011-02-08 00:55:13 » #612463

Too much talk about MGS, too little fapping.

7 Points Flag
ghostfight123 commented at 2011-02-25 23:31:54 » #633905

Took one look at this and thought she was really hot but the commentary from you guys on her character really mad the pic all the more enjoyable. Almost now makes me wish Gelbooru had a feature that allowed posters to provide backround info on the characters shown.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-07 01:53:17 » #684822

I think some of you also missed the part about her being a Kurd. The Kurds were hunted by Saddam Hussein just for existing, so they fought back. This makes her a victim of prejudice and wanton hate as well.

7 Points Flag