
Notice: We are now selling NEW Gelbooru Merch~! Domestic shipping is free on all orders! Do you have an artist tag on Gelbooru? Let us know so we can properly credit you!

Ticket Information - ID: #1082

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001082Bug Reportingnormalalways01/15/21 02:14AMxagel
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:Top part of some pages hidden by header
Description:On image posts and post listing pages and some other pages, the header (with Gelbooru, My Account etc. links) is on top of the other menu (with List and Upload etc. links) and the first couple of rows with tags (e.g. artist tags) making them inaccessible.
Additional Info:I'm on mobile (iOS Safari) - not sure if it affects the desktop version too.
lozertuser replied at 2021-01-15 02:43:14
I'll need you to upload a screenshot of what you see.

xagel replied at 2021-01-15 19:30:23
This is what I see:
for this page:

lozertuser replied at 2021-01-15 21:01:20
What version of IOS/Safari are you using? Are you able to update it to the latest version? If not, I suggest to use any other browser such as Firefox or Chrome. My testing iPad is showing 14.3. Safari may also have experimental features related to "grid" that you can enable in the Settings->Safari tab.

xagel replied at 2021-01-16 04:32:24
I have iOS 9.3.5, which is the latest version it lets me install. There's no grid setting for me. Chrome is version 61.0 and has the same problems. App Store doesn't let me install Firefox. Thanks Apple.

lozertuser replied at 2021-01-16 12:13:55
Chrome 61 works perfectly fine on the emulation tool I used.

lozertuser replied at 2021-01-16 12:27:14
See if you can access this in the url bar:
Chrome - chrome://flags - Experimental Web Platform Features - enable

xagel replied at 2021-01-16 21:32:26
I can access the flags page in Chrome but that specific feature doesn't exist, nor anything else that could be useful.

Anyway, the changes you just made did fix the issue with things being hidden. Things look a bit messed up but at least I can navigate the website again.