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Ticket Information - ID: #1289

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0001289Bug Reportingnormalalways09/03/23 07:49AM
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:N/A
Summary:List note edits on profile page
Description:In the statistics on the profile page, clicking on the count for Note Edits should give a list of those images, like it already does for Tag Edits. Currently the count is clickable without a response.

From what I can see from the old 0.1 code, this should only affect includes/account.php,
like you would need implement 'page=account&s=note_edits' that does 'SELECT post_id FROM notes WHERE user_id = ?' or whatever.

Funnily the notes history page features a Post column that is always 0. As if s=note_edits is already implemented, just not used. Please tell me, if I do not see the bigger issue.
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