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Ticket Information - ID: #130

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000130Feature RequestHighN/A07/09/09 03:42AMThref
Assigned to:geltas
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.0
Summary:Tag updates Should Override Initial upload updates
Description:Problem, MAJOR, I'll explain in Detail Shortly under Additional Information.

As of Right Now, Gelbooru functions under a sort of First Come First Serve scheme. What does that Mean? It means that Tags Tagged within a week of uploading get seen by most browsing users if the criteria matches. Seems like a good deal right? However, There lies a problem.

Tags that ONLY Have a Tagme tag(IF even that, could be just one tag with the tagme tag removed, I've seen that) for about 3 months back and later get tagged end up at the bottom of the barrel.

What does that mean? Simply this:

You will never know(Except under very specific, and even so, search criteria) that the image existed. This ALSO causes Dupes to be created, and I would assume that the Dupes Checker wouldn't update the dupe because it will keep the 1 year old, never correctly tagged image.

Additional Info:I HIGHLY advise that this issue be taken seriously.
I ran across Beautiful, simply Gorgeous images I would have NEVER have known existed due to mistagging. I of Course, did the right thing and tagged them appropriately. However, I feel my efforts are a tad in Vane due to the age of the images and the General Tags that will bury them Deep within Gelburoo.

Seriously, This SHOULD be the defualt, IF NOT, be met with a switch the Users can toggle to suit their, pursuits.

Will I encounter any resistance on this issue? Mitigation? Objections?
I sigh how Awesome and yet how lacking this site is.
Our little oasis may just be a mirage of comfort.
th8827 replied at 2009-07-14 23:19:23
Recommendation: Add a feature to search by how many tags an image has. That way, people who are passionate about fixing tags can just search for images with tag:1 or tag:0 (as an example).

Of course, this would not help with images that have numerous, incorrect tags, but it is a good place to start.

Thref replied at 2009-07-15 00:18:28
Eh, I don't believe that is what I was going for; it's irrelavant to what I am requesting here. . .

I also don't believe your recommendation will accomplish much.
I've seen many many images with 3 tags only, some even with 1 tag that isn't the Tagme tag. Also, that's what the tagme tag is for, for those users who are passionate about fixing tags. BUT, they can only do so much if they don't know the name of the series, artist(s), or characters. I know I ran into a few of them a little while back, so Instead I reintroduced the Tagme tag to it. I see what your saying, but that will require a new ticket cause Board Leader has informed me that they will only accept 1 feature request per ticket, that's why I had to go back and change the tickets.

Thanks for the bump though.
Despite my Efforts, I don't thing they comprehend the severity of this issue.
I think e621 figured it out, which is why one need not worry about surprises showing up days in the past that weren't once there.

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-15 05:16:57
Not going to change the default behavior.

The above link is probably a better option.

Thref replied at 2009-07-15 05:56:02
TangoFox4 Say:

There should be the option to sort by score, visits, date, downloads etc.

So, would this include what I suggested? Cause if the Etc. portion does not include what I suggested, then the problem still exists and shall loom.

Guess what? I found another Booru. Not An Anime booru, but another booru that appears recent, yet well put together. These booru's keep showing up, each with features. Danbooru I heard went down for a while and were here. I'm just saying, theirs are in working order, I understand this takes time but when something else is available. . . How Do I explain this? It's like, theres a shop that sells the good stuff, but you got to jump through a few hoops to get it, then there are shops that sell some similar goods but not as good as that shop. Still, the accessibility factors kinda make you feel down.

It's probably a better option based on what? Untagged/misstagged criteria based on those parameters(Not counting the Etc. one) will still result in good pics remaining at the bottom of the barrel.

IF you mean having a Toggle Switch for users to sort by Tag Update, then YES, that'll work too. IF that's the case, then I'd agree with TangoFox4's Suggestion, as long as Tag update is a parameter to sort from.

lozertuser replied at 2009-07-15 07:27:11
Yes. It would be order:, sort:

Options currently id, updated, score
and order display: either ASC or DESC

Rough example: "sort:updated order:DESC"

Thref replied at 2009-07-15 21:07:52
Wait a Minute, I don't believe we are on the same page here.

I'm Referring to Thumbnail View like when you chose a tag then browse it. I am NOT referring to Search View where all we have is textual links to tags.

The Textual link view Does Nothing for me but show me a list of tags, when I selected said tags from that sorted view, it just takes me to thumbnails in the Unsorted view; they aren't sorted there and THERE is exactly where the problem lies.

Do I need to send a picture for you with examples? Do I need to go that far?
I'm willing too, I just need to know now if it's at all necessary; if you comprehend what I am saying and its severity.