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Ticket Information - ID: #405

ID:Category:SeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedUpdated By:
0000405Feature RequestLowalways05/29/10 09:22AMsforce
Assigned to:lozertuser
View StatusPublic
Target Version:0.2.1
Summary:My Tags list and textarea
Description:I'd like a larger My Tags textarea in my options area. Maybe you could swap dimensions between the blacklist and my tag fields. (use the blacklist very little, atm)

When editing a post, the my tag list shows the underscores and include a space in the actual links.
Additional Info:A quick str_replace('_', ' ', $tag) would resolve the listing issue unless you were worried about links breaking on a space, in which case replacing with a non-breaking space would probably be better.
sforce replied at 2010-05-30 01:02:47
Would also like a small style adjustment for My Tags list: button style. Whether this means real buttons or simple links styled as buttons, I think it will help visually separate tags from one another. Looking at the Trac navigation bar above, I think the spacing on the links is more than adequate for tag separation. It doesn't need to be that large of a change, but a single space is difficult when there's more than a couple tags.