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Anonymous commented at 2015-08-16 22:58:51 » #1796729

"beware of my aura of uselessness"

10 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-08-17 04:14:38 » #1796859

Sure, healing the whole ninja army even before Tsunade arrived to help, giving a redeemed Obito the power needed to open the portals needed to find Sasuke, and punching Kaguya down to keep her from escaping a fatal sealing strike from her teammates, that's what you'd call uselessness...


29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-17 07:26:50 » #1796927

I commend your bravery MyPitah but you can't fight stupidity.

From one side you have those who belittle sakura for whatever reason, and on the other, those who mary sue her for the heck of it i guess... Is one the respons to the other and vice versa? we shall never know.

12 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-08-17 07:35:13 » #1796932

I don't mind someone disliking or even hating a character, her included. I just would like to see it for reasons that are supported by facts, rather than reasons that are rendered nill by them... :)

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-19 06:59:18 » #1833454

is it safe to say that as long as they get some sweet lovin from her its all good ;D

1 Points Flag
Vilikusan commented at 2023-07-23 12:46:01 » #2819474

C'mon, Sakura keeps feeling "useless" as she keeps comparing herself to two people that are super strong and eventually are amongst the VERY STRONGEST in the whole series! Eventually amongst the strongest in the whole world... so I don't think she's really objective here and I think we shouldn't share her pessimism ;-)

1 Points Flag