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IceToshiro commented at 2015-10-29 17:49:51 » #1839426

Okay I seeing this a lot with Boruto and his time team with Naruto and his team when they are young and always has the Boruto the Movie tag. So my question is, does the movie involve time travel or something? Or are people just drawing them together just cause?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-29 21:37:07 » #1839516

Just cause, no time traveling involved.

2 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-10-31 14:47:16 » #1840539

Just like Anon answered. And that's why the time paradow tag is here too.

As for the pic (nice one by the way), I do love how the teams are similar yet shifted compared to the old ones. Boruto is like Naruto in many ways but has Sasuke's darkness pushing him too, Sarada is like Sakura specially in terms of hope but has Sasuke's skills and figting spirit.

Yet Mitsuki... Where do you fit in all this ? I mean, he's not like Sasuke, he's not like Sakura, he's not like Naruto, hell even compared to Sai it's a mismatch. And even redeemed Orochimaru does not seem to be like him despite the 2 seeming to be related (and common ninjutsu).

I just hope the narutoverse keeps growing after this movie, there's so much to explore with the newer generation it would be a shame to end the franchise there...

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