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User Comments:

Velvet_Lotus commented at 2016-05-04 21:07:58 » #1944320

Listen up girls, boys, and adorable girly boys. Cutting is not the answer, don't scar and ruin your beautiful bodies.

58 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-24 22:19:14 » #1956351

Yeah, it ruins your resale value.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-07 22:49:23 » #2046255

This is such a beautiful and sad piece of art. Young teens who question their sexuality are at a higher risk for suicide. If you know someone who cuts or talks of suicide, please call a suicide hotline, and let that person know how much better the world is with them in it. :')

6 Points Flag
ViperVice commented at 2017-02-26 19:52:30 » #2102706

It is pretty sad........ parts of society says it isn't normal and an abomination and that you shouldn't question your sexuality because you have to be a single defined orientation or you'll be treated differently. These people can't help who they are but they're being told and treated as less than human if they stray away from the normal.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-08-03 21:24:09 » #2155129

that got dark quickly. i came here for porn and now i just feel the exponential weight of the self-harm that transgender youth has to deal with. bye-bye boner...come back later when the whiskey kicks in and we find some 18 plus girlcock where everyone is happy and the party is full of frivolous funs. the whiskey makes the sad times go away. in the big drunk candy mountain kingdom...everybody loves their body and everyone's clean, adult, meticulously shaven androgynous genitals are free to wave in the breeze, judged by nobody and never alone or without orifice to stuff....i should check my meds later, i may need to bump the dose up a lil.

1 Points Flag
teru commented at 2021-02-18 17:52:18 » #2593325

the comments are nice and all, but telling someone "noo dont cut yourself youre so beautiful aha" isn't exactly helpful. just feels patronizing.

1 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2021-02-18 18:30:00 » #2593337

Don't we have enough attention seekers on here with cosplay girls?

0 Points Flag
pugsaremydrugs commented at 2021-02-18 18:39:22 » #2593342

in every single one of these "positive" comments that a school psychologist could've written, the reasons to continue on that are given are only inasmuch as i should contribute to -- not society -- but the people writing these comments. maybe there is a good reason to kill myself, and it's to minorly inconvenience the cabal of people who use their daily five seconds of conscious thought to further their thoughtless counterpart.

0 Points Flag