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Anonymous commented at 2016-04-10 18:10:39 » #1930766

Higher resolution of original upload.

Not sure if I want to see her hydrated form.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-17 13:37:23 » #1934575

I guess her hydrated form would be even more voluptrous than this....
I would like to see that.

23 Points Flag
Loving_Loyal_Lycanthrope_Lord commented at 2022-05-27 14:15:46 » #2715319

Mumen Rider: (Disengages from Deep Sea "King" deeply disgusted by his shameful display of violating the hero code of conduct)
Mumen Rider: "I'd just like to take a moment to apologize and explain that I've never actually fought any female opponents before, ever."
Mumen Rider: (Assumes the "I'm wide open, hit me with your best shot" star-shaped Pose, knowing full well that he's going to be killed)
Mumen Rider: "I fully admit that, regardless of my justification, what I just did was completely inappropriate conduct unbecoming of a Hero."
Mumen Rider: (Closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and faces his deserved death with dignity, grace, and the stoicism of the true warrior.)
Mumen Rider: "Hit me, as hard as you wish, as much as you wish. I deserve it. I admit this. And I am sorry, Your Highness, truly, I am."
Deep Sea "King": Perhaps... there is something more to you land dwellers than has so far met my fisheyes. Perhaps we should... talk?"

(Time skip to the present, years later)
Mumen Wave Rider: "And that, kids, is how I met your mother. And how we began to make peace between surf and turf at last."
Deep Sea Shoreline "King": "And damn did it ever work out better for me than what my idiot identical twin brother got himself into!"
(They all look at the OTHER Deep Sea King's obituary) "Charlie, you reckless fool... YOU DESERVED IT YOU PREJUDICED DUMBASS!"
(Everyone nods their heads in the affirmitive, and then the family reunion gets back on track, and a good time was had by all. The end!)
~La Comedia Est Fini!~

7 Points Flag