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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-13 16:32:55 » #2033206

Obviously just a Kage Bunshin while the real Naruto is either at the office or with Sasuke somewhere.

160 Points Flag
Kastion commented at 2016-10-14 05:39:08 » #2033538

Geez people are still pussy about this huh? Well I'm not going to care, this a beautiful pic of a family that I love seeing since it warms my heart thinking of how happy these two are together

83 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-15 16:32:49 » #2034344


So that's why Naruto seems to do what he can to avoid them? Hardly coming home when he has the LEAST work of any Hokage in history to where he's little more than a glorified mayor?

All the previous Kage sans Kakashi (who was really just a seat-warmer) had MUCH more on their plate and yet they were able to make time for their families; Hashirama and Tobirama with Tsunade, Hiruzen and mingling with the citizens, Tsunade even having Sakura as an apprentice who she personally trained.

They're only "happy" to those who choose to ignore everything that says otherwise.

147 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-19 00:09:17 » #2036107

lmao at these downvote bots

you losers spend so much effort to bitch about a fictional pairing

75 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-19 19:44:17 » #2036490

This is just a new level of sad. Just when you think they couldn't get any worse.

71 Points Flag