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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-09 13:16:18 » #2078123

this is my kinda girl

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-12 17:42:21 » #2079959

Google Translate:

"A neet soaked in memories suddenly wanting to die." (23) (The girl's age, maybe?)

I can relate far, far more than I'm comfortable with; less to the suicidal thoughts as being under-prepared when adult responsibility finally called (why else would I be here?). Escapism and consumer culture become hollow comforts, particularly if the way you used them is part of why you are where you are.

12 Points Flag
Lyssamanya commented at 2022-11-15 19:48:06 » #2763724

Anon2, are you okay? It's been almost six years since you made that comment but I really hope you're in a much better place in your life. Unfortunately I can really relate to it a lot as well, and you put it perfectly by saying you can relate "far, far more than you're comfortable with." Funny enough, when I first saw this pic I thought "Wow, this is all so nostalgic!" And it felt good. Then I read the comments and realized "Fuck, my life used to be so damn good, I really miss being happy..."

1 Points Flag