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More Like This: (Beta Temporary Feature)

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Anonymous commented at 2017-01-28 16:26:44 » #2088396

I can't read it all but it seems like this:

-1st Panel-
Tsareena: Liligant.
Liligant: Yes!
Tsareena: [very unsure but basically this. "Pokemon shouldn't go around hugging others willy-nilly. It could be dangerous."]
Liligant: B-but, I love hugs!

-2nd panel-
Liligant: And squeezing others makes them cheerful-
Tsareena: Stop it! Hugs are forbidden!
Liligant: Eeeh~

-3rd Panel-
Liligant: I-its been okay so far... Doesn't Tsareena-san want hugs too...?

-4th Panel-
Liligant: Kya~! Tsareena-san!?

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