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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-18 18:53:59 » #2120517

Mysteries and answers that remain unresolved in the anime:
If Metal Lee is Tenten's son or not
If Kiba and Tamaki have children
Shino has not removed his dark glasses, has girlfriend and married
Orochimaru and his wife (reveal your identity¿?) have their first son.
If Jiraiya is live, where is?
Konohamaru will be Hokage before Boruto, or viceversa.

0 Points Flag
yhunata commented at 2017-04-19 11:04:54 » #2120706

Metal Lee will probably be answered in Boruto.
Same with Kiba and Tamaki.... if they get any screentime.
Shino will probably not get much attention, which is a shame.
I thought Mizuki is a clone?
Jiraiya's dead. Deal with it.
Konohamaru probably won't ever become Hokage.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-21 08:25:19 » #2121322

It would make sense if Metal Lee is is adopted for Rock Lee.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura have contract to invoke the animals (gamabunta, gamaken and katsuyu) against Obito, but Naruto's invocation for Gamabunta, was in its place Gamakichi (Explaining that Gamabunta was busy and could not come at this time)
Theory: Gamabunta is taking care of the wounds, rehabilitation and new training of Jiraiya, who suffered after his death battle against Pain. This means and gives hope, Jiraiya is alive. Jiraiya can be the teacher of Boruto, teaching him a more advanced Rasengan.

What happened to Kosuke Maruboshi (Eternal genin)¿?

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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-21 08:38:41 » #2121325

I would like that Kakashi stay and marry with Hanare.
Hatake Kakahi, all his life he has fought and he has been alone, he needs a girl to love in his life and to have his family. I would like to see that facet in Kakashi as father, heroe, his wife and his son. Not alone forever

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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-21 08:52:26 » #2121330

Kakashi and Hanare

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narutofan2493 commented at 2017-04-26 09:05:49 » #2123016

To Yhunata:
Konohamaru will be hokage after naruto.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-30 12:22:06 » #2124343

Wasn't it confirmed that Tenten is not Metal Lee's mother and that Kakashi will never be paired with anyone?

Hanare is pure filler and the country she comes from makes no sense to immigrate to canon. Besides, Kakashi still needs to get over himself.

Kosuke is also a filler character.

Artist also forgot to include Tamaki, who is paired with Kiba (though they aren't married and don't have children...yet).

2 Points Flag